Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thankful Thursdays

I am thankful for VBS! My kids LOVE gong to VBS, so this summer they attended a couple of them and every day they come back singing praise songs and showing me their crafts and telling me what they had for snack and what they learned that day. Andrew gets bummed when summer is over because he has to wait a whole year for VBS again. Who can I talk to about having a Christmas break VBS and a spring break VBS? :)

I am thankful for awesome friendships new and old. Will and I have made some great new friends this year in a family we play basketball with. We all get along really well, and our boys even share a birthday and the girls always get along! It’s awesome to have a friend to text and hang out with who is on the same mommy page as you because the kids are the same gender and ages basically. And it’s great to see that my hubby has made a new friend that he gets along with really well.  And today I went to visit my friend Krystal and her beautiful new baby Olivia. It’s nice to just pick right up with someone you’ve been friends with for a while but haven’t seen or chatted with in a while.  It’s just a nice and simple friendship with someone I trust and can share with even if it is sporadically.

I am thankful for my well behaved (everywhere else but at home…and the grocery store apparently), kind hearted children. They are far from perfect, but I do receive compliments from their teachers and my co-workers about them and it really just makes my heart super happy. There was a little girl today at work who was on a little rampage…tried to shove a kid of a scooter, threw a ball at another child’s head because “she didn’t want to play with her”, she grabbed another little kid by the shirt collar and shook him something fierce, and scratched the neck of another child. The whole time I was super thankful that my kids never behave that way towards other kids (they save it for each other). And I know its super unkind but I was also thankful she wasn’t my child. BUT then I thought, well she’s someone’s child and they love her just as much as I love mine. So I am even thankful for other people’s difficult children because they teach me patience and give me opportunities to help reinforce kind behavior. 

What are you thankful for today?

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