Thursday, July 16, 2015

I did! I started a blog!

 I read….A LOT! Books, magazines, articles, updated statuses, advertisements, fan fiction (yes I said it), children’s books and blogs. I haven’t been able to read for leisure lately because I’m a school girl now and have textbooks to read (blah) but I still read other blogs. preschool blogs, mom blogs, Christian blogs, crafting blogs, inspirational blogs…you know all kinds of stuff. I also read a lot of children’s books, its pretty much a requirement due to my job as a preschool teacher but I will be honest, I would read children’s books even if I wasn’t a preschool teacher…and I mean even if I didn’t have kids. I used to subscribe to tons of magazines…Family Fun, Parents, Parenting etc. and this was like when I was 19 years old…no joke. I wanted to read the articles and find fun crafts for the future. I even clipped articles and kept them in file folders for future use. So anyways, being an avid reader made me want to write as well. Like one day I want to write an autobiography (yes I am that egocentric that I think people would care to read about my life…I hang out with 2 to 5 year olds most of the day, some traits are bound to rub off apparently I got egocentrism back. ) But that’s not on my list of things to do soon…maybe when  I have lived a little longer (Lord willing). I used to write short stories when I was little, one of them I remember my Tia posting on her fridge, it was something like ElephantBird or maybe the one about the puddle monster of Redlands…eh one of those! Anyways so what I’m saying is…I like to write stuff. I used to keep a book of poetry that I wrote poems in from the age of 12 to about 19...I still have it, its super teenage angst, gotta love it. So I’m rambling…ok things to keep n mind while reading my blog:

1. I don’t care about the grammar. Don’t critique my writing, I'm not doing this because I think I'm an elegant and excellent writer. I’m not. I write how I talk, and think and most of the time its not elegant.
2. I start out on fire with stuff and sometimes the flames start to simmer, so I’m pretty sure I will be a manic poster for the first few weeks, then slowly start to be…whatever the opposite of manic is.
3. I will try to keep it lighthearted and fun. BUT sometimes there is serious stuff in the world and I may just post my feelings about it. Be respectful, because I would respect your opinion. If you cant be respectful…kick rocks son.
4. Leave comments and stuff, I like to read what I write but I like to read what you write too!

There might be more stuff to keep in mind but that’s the important stuff.

Oh and I read blogs that do like certain themed stuff on certain days, and I liked that idea, it will help keep my thoughts organized and keep me from zipping from one thought to the next. That’s actually how my brain functions just zipping between thoughts and tasks but for the sake of your sanity I will keep it organized. (well remember that simmer thing I mentioned earlier? Yeah I will try to keep organized as long as I can.) So here's my line-up

Mondays will be known as “Motivational Mondays”- Sometimes I will post about my thoughts on Sunday’s church service, or post motivational quotes, reflect on verses, or reflect on blog posts (I like A Holy Experience and Girlfriends in God0 or tell an inspiring story or something.

Tuesdays will be known as “My creative Clutter”- These days I will post my latest crafts and crap I made.

Wednesdays will be known as “Wordless Wednesdays” and I will share links to make you think( you know those inspiring videos, short articles, and stuff like that.

Thursdays will be known as “Thankful Thursdays”  and I will post 3 things I am thankful for in general or that week, you know whatever it happens to be.

Fridays will be known as “Freelance Fridays” and I will post about whatever my heart desires.

Saturdays will be known as “My organized chaos”  and I will post about my job as a preschool teacher. Pics of our adventures, crafts, and parties. And or funny crap they say and do.

Sundays will be known as “Family Matters” and I will post about my awesome little family and our adventures.

Now I wont post every single day (maybe at first because right now I have a lot to share with you guys0 but when I do post it will be in accordance with my themed days. And I promise to keep it real, im in no way trying to make my life seem something that its not…those who know me know that I’m not like that. But I do want to make people smile and laugh and encourage them and if one small post on this blog does that, well then YYYAAAYYYY!! I also feel like this will help me and keep me motivated and I know some of you are thinking…she’s crazy how can she add more to her plate, and the beauty of a blog is I can write or not. There’s no deadline, no requirement, no nothing. I will write and post when I have time and if I don’t, I wont. So yeah…  Ok that’s it! Thanks for coming along for the ride!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Blogging world :) I look forward to following your ramblings.
