Preschool in summer!
Preschool in summer is pretty laid back! We plan fun themed days and crafts and we have water days. Kids come and go because of vacations and other activities. And I don't feel this constant need to be going going going with them like I do during the school year. This is my classroom setup for summer!
Word Wall
Discovery Center
You know I had to decorate!!
Lovin' my bulletin board. I came up with this myself!
Banner designed by Glorious Creations (that's me!)
Fishers of men. Matthew 4:19
Summer time is also a time of much prep work for the new school year!
Ok these bad boys I am super proud of! I saw something similar on Teachers Pay Teachers and i thought "I can do that too" and I did! So then I decided to do the numbers and the alphabet!! My co-workers have had great reactions so everyone will get a master copy of eavh bundle!
I'm really trying hard this school year to get super organized so I designed this lesson plan template to use to help me. I have already planned my day to day through October!
I don't know if you guys know this (non teachers) but prep work is A LIT of work. Cut construction paper in half, copy monthly dividers,staple to construction paper, hole punch, separate, repeat!
Same things with making workbooks. 24 ABC's 24 123's =lots of copies and lots of stapling and lots of binding! Phew!
Take home envelopes: I put all their go home stuff in these so they are not crumpled at the bottom of the backpack.
This week in preschool!
Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see?
Teaching concepts: Money
Some of them just write random numbers and some of them did ok.
Making a healthy snack: Flowers
Stamping and painting with the end of the celery stalk.
Gotta love Scholastic! I had these up in my cupboard and they went perfectly with the lesson plan on this day!
And that's what's happening on the preschool front!